NP6-DP in the fight against interference

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Innovative Wireless Deployment in Chiapas Overcomes High Interference in the 6 GHz Band

In one of the lushest regions of Mexico, Chiapas, a company has successfully deployed NetPoint NP6-DP-3FT (NP6) equipment operating at 6 GHz, paired with Cambium Networks Force 4600c. This installation established a Point-to-Point link over 10.2 miles with a signal level of -55 dBm at 160 MHz. Remarkably, despite encountering high interference levels from other existing links in the area, the deployment achieved impressive results. In one of the lushest regions of Mexico, Chiapas, a company has successfully deployed NetPoint NP6-DP-3FT (NP6) equipment operating at 6 GHz, paired with Cambium Networks Force 4600c. This installation established a Point-to-Point link over 10.2 miles with a signal level of -55 dBm at 160 MHz. Remarkably, despite encountering high interference levels from other existing links in the area, the deployment achieved impressive results. 

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This deployment not only serves as a case study but also highlights how choosing the right antenna can make a significant difference in performance. The company's innovative approach demonstrates the importance of strategic equipment selection and deployment in overcoming the challenges of high-interference environments, setting a new benchmark for wireless communication in the region.